
The Open Source Community for Augmented Reality is meant for everyone interested in affordable and open Augmented Reality HW and SW. Current AR/VR market is dominated by big companies and each of their hardware is their own walled garden. We want to change this and democratize AR. That is why we promote the version 1.0 of DIY Open AR Glasses, which you can build yourself with 20€ budget. We are also in the process to define the version 2.0 with improved specifications.

The licensing scheme will be as open as possible, not limiting any imaginable business model.

At this point we are looking for companies and organizations to join us as members of the community to create the discussion. We have already a first set of companies and universities on board, and initial funding secured.

Organizations and companies:

  • University of Eastern Finland
  • University of Oulu

Organizations can join the association if they pay an yearly fee. The fee is agreed case-by-case and may be also work or materials.


  • Jyrki Saarinen, member of the board
  • Steven M LaValle, member of the board
  • Jani Vallirinne, chairman of the board
  • Pasi Vahimaa (Optical Expert), member
  • Dipanjan Das (Working on next version of the OpenAR 2.0 freeware Design and accessories), member
  • Tommi Itkonen (Inventor of First version of OpenAR 1.0 freeware Design and electronics ), member
  • Olli Tiilikainen (Working on next version of the OpenAR 2.0 freeware ergonomics ),member
  • Harri Karhu (Working on next version of the OpenAR 2.0 freeware computer vision), member
  • Phuoc Trinh (Working on the openAR 2.0 freeware handcontroller), member

Individuals can join the association if they agree to do voluntary work for the association.